Adding CocoaPod for your library (public/private)
This post takes you step by step into how to integrate cocoaPods with your library.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects
Am going to use an open sourced project I made before on github, and add the cocoapods into it. For you to keep up with me.
- Create a repository on github.
You need to Sign up first before you can create new repository. Click on the upper right plus button and choose New Repository. For Reference Lets call it YourPod.
The name should be unique, and make sure to add a license file.
2. Clone the repo
clone the repository for github using their App or through command line
git clone<YourAccountName>/YourPod.git
3. Install Cocoapods
From the terminal type
sudo gem install cocoapods
4. Structure Folders
cd to the folder where you cloned YourPod repository.
Let’s create 2 folders one called YourPod, and the other called Demo.
- Add your library swift files under YourPod
- Create an xcode project under Demo Folder
- Commit Your Changes
- Push them to github
Before creating the pod. From your repository github page.
- Click on releases
- Click on Add release button
- set the version to be 0.0.1 (this is important, you can set it to any number you want )
- Create podspec
From terminal, type
pod spec create YourPod
that will create a podspec file. Open it using xcode or any editor you like.
After you open it, it will look like this ( after removing comments and leaving most of the required attributes) do |s| = “YourPod”
s.version = “0.0.1”
s.summary = “A simple HUD to indicate activity, success, and failure.”
s.description = <<-DESC
You can use this Library as a loading indicator while waiting for response from api, you can mention failure and success as well
s.homepage = “Your project home page "
s.license = { :type => “MIT”, :file => “LICENSE” } = { “Your Name” => “Your Email” }
s.social_media_url = “ be any link)"
s.platform = :ios
s.source = { :git => “", :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.source_files = “YourPod/*.swift”
s.resources = “YourPod/*.storyboard”, “YourPod/*.xcassets”
s.requires_arc = true
# s.dependency “JSONKit”, “~> 1.4”
The license file should be available on the remote repository (e.g. github repo) and belongs to the release you mention in the podspecs file
2. Validate the podspec
From terminal run
pod spec lint YourPod.podspec --verbose
On success you will get “YourPod.podspec passed validation.”, watchout for any warning or error* — verbose is for more detailed logs which should help you if there is any.
3. register the pod in the CocoaPods repo
Now we have our pod validated, we need to push it into cocoapods so others and we can use it. To do that first we need to declare ownership. Simple run this command in terminal from the same directory of the pod.
pod trunk register <YUOREMAIL> ‘<YOUR NAME>’ — description=’owner from macbook pro’
you will get this response
[!] Please verify the session by clicking the link in the verification email that has been sent to <your email>
you should get an email with the validation link within a minute.(It might goes to the spam folder)
4. Upload your pod
Now all we need is to push our pod, simple use this command from terminal.
pod trunk push YourPod.podspec
you should get “ — March 16th, 04:08: Push for `Your pod' has been pushed (2.792570047 s).” alike message in the terminal.
“if you added your twitter account in the podspec, you will get mentioned in an auto-generated cocoapod new pod tweet ”
Now lets try it
- Create a Podfile in the same directory where your demo.xcodeproj is.
Your pod may look like this
platform :ios, "8.0"
target :Demo do
if your pod in swift you need to add use_frameworks!
now run
pod install
It will download the pod and create an xcworkspace for you .
Now use demo.xcworkspace , import the pod into your demo and try it.
you can use a private pod as well although you need few more steps.
- Create your own specs repository (where the pod’s podspec file is going to be hosted) (lets call it myspec)
- create new folder locally and copy the pod you made before and podspec file.
3. Create new repository for your pod on e.g. bitbucket and upload the files like we did before don’t forget to tag it, you can do it by running
git tag 0.1
and push the tags using
git push -u origin —- tags
4. Add Your specs repository
pod repo add <yourSpecsName> <yourPodRepoDirectory>
pod repo add myspec
5. Now in your podspec file change the version and source url (it’s better to use https) (Validate as we did before), then push it using >
pod repo push myspec MOHUD.podspec — verbose
6. finally in the Podfile add source to refer to your specs repo.
source "" source '' ##Note: you need to add all resources
Thats should be it .
Now your Pod should be searchable in (if its public)
a nice thing about it is that they will rate your pod based on some metrics like documentation, it worth looking at it and trying to improve your rate.
I hope this helps someone, if you have any comment please add it.
And Thank you for reading.
you can find more detailed info at Cocoapods